Structural Framing Repairs
Wood destroying pests and fungus infections can cause severe damage to the ability of any structure to maintain sound structural integrity. Many times these conditions exist hidden and undetected within enclosed construction details, slowly deteriorating structural support members from the inside out. Deterioration to enclosed framing can progress for years before the average property owner suspects or detects a concern.
Some of the telltale signs of hidden structural fatigue created by wood destroying issues are, excessive cracking and in more severe cases, compression and buckling of interior or exterior surfaces. Out of level floors, poor fit and movement of doors and windows are also indicative of these concerns. Moisture stains and water damage are obvious signs of water infiltration and wood destroying fungus is not far behind, if not already present. By the time evidence of termite infestation appears, there is a high likelihood that their damage has occurred within inaccessible areas. Well established infestations are almost always accompanied with dry rot or fungus wood decay. Fungus infections are a wood framed structure’s worst enemy. Fungus infections have a ferocious appetite and fungus damage dry rot can occur at alarming rates.
In order to achieve a complete solution to this assault on your home or building, full detection of the extent of damage; accurate identification of infestations and infections; proper analysis and correction of the adverse conducive conditions that allowed damage to occur; effective and safe treatment of infestations and infections, are all just as necessary and important as competent structural repair. Hiring a qualified professional for this circumstance is crucial, if you want to achieve optimum results that endure the test of time.
California Structural Restoration is a licensed, bonded and insured wood destroying pest & organism expert and specialty structural repair contracting company. Our primary objective is providing property owners with quality structural repairs and restoration, in conjunction with the science of our expertise in obtaining a final solution to termites, wood boring beetles and fungus infection wood decay or dry rot. We are a small company with a qualified team of experienced journeymen and master craftsmen that possess the knowledge and skill sets of various trades to produce finished project results expected of an expert specialist.
As a licensed Wood Destroying Structural Pest Control Firm, we are held to a higher standard of professional competence and accountability. This translates to a greater level of consumer protection for our clients through regulatory oversight, required specialized training and experience prior to being licensed and continuing education after licensing of this unique specialty trade. The assurance of safe, effective and competent work and professional credentials of expertise is not available through every trade advertising “dry rot & termite repair”, unless they are an appropriately licensed Structural Pest Control Firm.
The best place to start with addressing your dry rot and termite concerns would be by having a Wood Destroying Pest & Organism Inspection performed. We offer Complete Inspections of your entire home or Limited Inspections of a specific area you are concern about. These services include a written report that will identify infestations and infections, areas of damage and adverse conditions that have caused or could lead to damage, as well as preventative maintenance recommendations. Each item finding listed in the report will have a recommendation, which is a comprehensive work description for appropriate corrective measures, and is accompanied by an itemized price quote for your approval.
There is a nominal fee for our inspection service and report. However, should you hire us to perform repairs; the fee is deducted from the total cost of all repairs. The report you receive can then be utilized as a narrative benchmark in receiving and comparing additional competitive bids, without any further obligation to us.
California Structural Restoration has performed numerous structural repair projects throughout the Bay Area, with just as many happy clients. We sincerely hope to provide you with our exceptional service in addressing your home repair needs. If you have questions please contact us or if you would like to schedule an inspection we are happy to help.
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